Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
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Gwinnett celebrates Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Asian American and Pacific Islander residents make up more than 11% of Gwinnett’s population! Each May, AAPIHeritage Month provides an opportunity to pause and celebrate the remarkable contributions and achievements of influential Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in our vibrant community.
The month was officially designated in 1992 by Congress to highlight the significant contributions of AAPIs to American society in various fields, including science, technology, arts, and business
Gwinnett commemorates Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Monththroughout May with a cultural exhibit displaying art, traditions, food, innovations, and more from the AAPI community at the Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center in Lawrenceville. Stay tuned for more information about the exhibit and annual celebration taking place on Thursday, May 29 at 6:30 pm. More details and a link to register will be available soon.