Outdoor Burning
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Outdoor Burn Line
Annual Burn Ban
This ban is a directive from the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD).
The burn ban prohibits citizens and businesses from burning yard and land-clearing debris during the summer ozone season, which runs from May 1 through September 30. This is in addition to the year-round, statewide prohibition against burning household garbage in Georgia.
Recreational activities such as campfires and grilling are exempt from the open burning ban.
Medical Burn Bans
A Medical Burn Ban may be established by the Fire Marshal to provide relief for citizens with a medical condition that may be adversely affected by smoke from outdoor burning.
Citizens may request a Medical Burn Ban by having their medical doctor complete, sign, and submit the “Medical Burn Ban Application” annually and returning the original form to the Fire Marshal’s Office.
Citizens may request a “Medical Burn Ban application” by contacting our office at 678.518.4980 extension 2, or email FireMarshal@GwinnettCounty.com.
Upon approval of the request, a Medical Burn Ban will be established for a radius of approximately one quarter mile around the intersection nearest the applicants address.
The Medical Burn Ban prohibits the burning of yard debris, commercial pit burns, and related types of burning within the burn ban area. Cooking fires and recreational fires being used safely and in accordance with state and local laws and ordinances are not included in the medical burn ban.
The Medical Burn Ban shall not supersede the exceptions noted by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division and shall be in accordance with the Gwinnett County Fire Prevention and Protection Ordinance. The Medical Burn Ban will be established for a radius of approximately one quarter mile around the intersection nearest the applicants address. The Medical Burn Ban is good thru September 30 of each year. A new one must be requested by the resident annually.