Base Map Metadata
Page Content Portlet
This dataset was created to capture the existing ground conditions at a point in time for the purpose of establishing a base analysis of topography, natural and manmade objects visible in orthophotographs.
Coordinate Precision: Double
Map Units: Feet
Coordinate System: Georgia West State Plane Zone (3676)
NAD 83/94
Mapping Scale: 1"=100'
Tile Size: 2500' x 2500'
All features were captured to ASPRS Horizontal Accuracy Standards for Large Scale Maps, Class 2, at 1"=100'. The vertical control supported the production of 1"=100' digital orthophotos and the generation of 2' contours. All annotation and titling will be developed for maps that are to be produced at a scale of 1"=100'.
Use Constraints
This map is a graphical representation of data obtained from aerial photography, recorded deeds, plats, engineering drawings and other public records and data. Gwinnett County does not warrant the accuracy or currency of the data it has provided and does not guarantee the suitability of the data for any purpose, expressed or implied.
All data is provided as is, with all faults, without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
This map is the proprietary product of Gwinnett County and in no event will Gwinnett County be liable for damages, including any loss of profits, lost savings, or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use this map.