Centerville Small Area Plan
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Centerville Small Area Plan
Have a hand in shaping the future of Centerville.
The Centerville Small Area Plan will explore how Centerville could grow over the next 20 years. It will focus on how redevelopment can bring new amenities (e.g., retail, restaurants, and new parks and plazas), improve transportation (including transit, trails, and roadways), and provide new housing for current and future Centerville residents.
Your input is critical to the plan’s success! With your help, we can craft a vision of Centerville that captures the needs and desires of the community.
What aspects of Centerville would you like to see improved? What would make Centerville a stronger community? Get engaged and share your ideas with us at
About the Centerville Small Area Plan
The 2045 Unified Plan sets the vision for future growth and development in Gwinnett County, imagining the county as a tapestry of Daily Communities — places where people can meet their daily needs and access retail, entertainment, and open space within a 15-minute trip from home. Each community is unique based on its size, location, history, and culture. Centerville is one of Gwinnett’s 87 Daily Communities. The plan highlights how thoughtful redevelopment can create healthy, strong Daily Communities across the county. Learn more from the 2045 Unified Plan.

What does the plan do?
The Centerville Small Area Plan will apply the Daily Community Framework from the 2045 Unified Plan to Centerville. It will focus on how new retail, housing, open spaces like parks and plazas, and transportation improvements can make Centerville a more vibrant place.
The plan will cover three major topics:
- The Community Profile: This shows what Centerville looks like now — who calls Centerville home, what kinds of housing and businesses are in the area, and any challenges the community faces.
- The Opportunity Scan: This looks at planned public projects (e.g., new trails, transit, and roadway improvements) and redevelopment potential to identify the best places for redevelopment.
- The Small Area Plan: This combines community input with the other components to create a vision of a redeveloped Centerville. The plan will also contain a series of actions the County can take to bring that vision to fruition.
The plan offers a vision for Centerville’s future but doesn't include specific development projects currently planned for Centerville. It also does not rezone properties but instead makes land use recommendations based on existing information and community input.
How to Get Involved
Interactive meetings to help identify the vision for the future of Centerville.
Drop-in style meetings to review project recommendations and redevelopment ideas and share your input.
Have feedback for the project team? Send your questions or comments to with the subject line ‘Centerville’.