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Prepare for tornado season

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Tornadoes are the primary weather-related killer in Georgia. Most tornadoes are weak, but a few produce wind speeds greater than 166 mph.

To protect yourself and your family, prepare a Home Tornado Plan and pick a place where family members can gather for safety, such as a basement or a windowless center hallway, bathroom, or closet on the lowest floor. You should also learn these commonly used terms:

Watch: A watch means that you should start paying attention because the threat of hazardous weather is increasing, although the timing and location is uncertain. A watch is intended to provide enough lead time for you to prepare. Listen to your local news or NOAA radio for more information and possible warnings.

Advisory: An advisory is issued when a hazardous weather is occurring, imminent, or likely. Advisories are used for conditions that can cause significant inconvenience, such as a winter storm.

Warning: A warning means life-threatening weather conditions are happening and people in the path of the storm need to take protective action.

For more information and tips, please visit