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Gwinnett solicitor general highlights mid-year achievements

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Lisamarie N. Bristol became the Gwinnett County Solicitor General on January 1, 2023. Bristol oversees the prosecution of misdemeanor crimes in State Court and traffic citations and county ordinance violations in Recorder’s Court.

Midway through the year, the solicitor’s office has accomplished several goals and multiple processes have been streamlined under Bristol’s leadership to efficiently serve the county. The office is working to establish relationships with key stakeholders, including municipal courts, law enforcement agencies, and service providers in the community.

The solicitor’s office established a more capable work environment by reorganizing the office, adding a seventh state court division, implementing vertical prosecution, and changing employee access to the Georgia Crime Information Center. Additionally, the office worked to obtain American Rescue Plan Act funding to address backlogged cases and increase the efficiency of operations moving forward.

The solicitor’s office is composed of several divisions, which also made progress mid-year.

The assistant solicitor general division is nearly fully staffed after hiring 11 attorneys and participates in regular training sessions to ensure best practices are in place.

The investigations division developed an emergency response plan for the office to follow during a critical event. The division also increased staffing of qualified criminal investigators and expanded specialization in family violence, special victims unit, and vehicular homicide investigations.

Trial assistants increased from one to two assistants per division.

Three full-time victim witness advocates were hired for the Victim Witness Program with an advocate assigned to the new Division 7 judge. An advocate was also assigned to handle animal welfare cases at Recorder’s Court.

Community service remains a focal point. In February, the solicitor’s office observed Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month with multiple events, and in March, held a donation drive for a local women’s shelter for Women’s History Month.

Currently, Solicitor Bristol and her staff are working to create new policies and procedures and exploring grant opportunities for new programs to help fund existing needs.

View a full list of the solicitor’s office’s mid-year accomplishments.