Learn about the history of SPLOST in Gwinnett
Learn MoreParks and Greenspace
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Since 1997, SPLOST dollars have contributed millions of dollars for parks and greenspace projects in Gwinnett, paying for the development of new parks, renovations to existing parks, and a variety of amenities including picnic areas, pavilions, multi-purpose trails, mountain biking and equestrian trails, multi-purpose courts, fishing lakes, playgrounds, sports fields, gymnasiums, tennis courts, aquatic facilities, a disc golf course, skate complexes, dog parks, plus horseshoe, shuffleboard, and bocce ball courts.
The Board of Commissioners' greenspace preservation program, made possible by SPLOST programs (1997, 2001, 2005, and 2009), gives residents a chance to enjoy Gwinnett's precious natural resources, now and in the future. With 50 award winning parks and greenspaces, our parkland totals more than 10,000 acres. Park sites range from 10 acres or less to larger community parks and open-space parks.
2017 SPLOST Program: $97.6 million
Alexander Park — Phase II (bridged funding with 2014 SPLOST)
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Dacula Park Activity Building Expansion with Gym (P&R SPLOST) and Senior Wing (Senior Services SPLOST)
Discovery Area Park — Design and Park Development
Beaver Ruin Wetland Park — Design and Park Development
Gwinnett Environmental & Heritage Center — Outdoor Learning Center
George Pierce Park — Senior Back Patio Renovations
Historic Site Projects
Greenway Projects
Asset Management Projects: Sports Field Conversion
Misc. Asset Management Projects
Aquatic Facilities Major Renovations
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2014 SPLOST Program: $26.1 million
Alexander Park
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Best Friend Park Gymnasium Renovation
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Bethesda Park Improvements
Bogan Park Improvements
Club Drive Park (Phase II)
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George Pierce Park Renovations and Improvements
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Jones Bridge Park Renovation
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Lucky Shoals Park Renovations
Mountain Park Park Renovations
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Peachtree Ridge Park
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Gwinnett Environmental and Heritage Center
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Historic Courthouse
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Yellow River Park Trail Renovations
ADA Improvements (Countywide)
Aquatics Facilities Major Renovations
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Athletic Fields Major Renovations
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Conservation Projects (Water/Energy)
Fencing – Major Projects and Replacements
General Park Renovations
Major Lake Renovations (Countywide)
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Park Furnishing and Equipment (Countywide)
Park Security Projects
Playground Equipment Replace/Renovations
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Resurfacing/Paving Park Roads, Parking Lots, Trails
Tree Plantings and Reforestation
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2009 SPLOST Program: $128 million
Bryson Park (Phase I & II) Facilities include:
Facilities include:
Park master plan includes:
Lions Club Park Renovation Renovation of existing park includes:
Rabbit Hill Park Expansion Expansion includes:
Rock Springs Park Expansion includes:
South Gwinnett Park Renovations Renovation of existing park includes:
J.B. Williams Park |
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2005 SPLOST Program: $190.3 million
Alexander Park Facilities include:
Artificial Turf Fields Replace sodded fields with artificial turf to increase the use of large football fields by decreasing downtime due to weather and overuse for the following parks:
Improvements include:
Facilities include:
Facilities include:
Gwinnett Environmental and Heritage Center Improvements including:
Redevelopment includes:
Peachtree Ridge Park Facilities include:
Rhodes Jordan Park Renovations include:
Facilities include:
Facilities include:
Renovations include:
West Gwinnett Park Facilities include:
SPLOST funding: $18,095,316 |
Yellow River Post Office Facilities include:
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2001 SPLOST Program: $201.1 million
Active Parks Land Acquisition Acquisition included:
Alcovy – Harbins Passive Park Development Master Plan identified improvements within the park:
Bay Creek Park (Phase I) Facilities included:
Best Friend Park Renovation This project included:
Bethesda Park Expansion Construction included:
Bogan Park Renovations Community Center improvements included:
Cities Share/Contributions Contribution to Gwinnett County cities for acquisition or construction of Parks and Recreation active or passive facilities. Distribution was determined by the Gwinnett Municipal Association. Cities are:
Collins Hill Park Improvements Improvements included:
Dacula Park Activity Center Improvements include:
DeShong Park The first phase of a passive community park located in the southwestern section of Gwinnett County.
Five Forks at Ronald Reagan (Ronald Reagan Park) Passive Community Park Development includes:
George Pierce Park (Phase II) This phase included the addition of:
Greenways Development Two pilot projects have been identified. One will connect Tribble Mill with the new properties at Harbins: Alcovy and Palm Creek. This will involve land acquisition along a portion of the corridor of the Alcovy River. The other project is the Ivy Creek Greenway and will involve connection within the F. Wayne Hill Water Resources Center to both the Mall of Georgia and George Pierce Park. This will also connect with Suwanee’s Richard Trice Trail.
Gwinnett Environmental and Heritage Center The Gwinnett Environmental and Heritage Center is a facility for environmental education, a natural history and cultural history museum, and a host for passive recreational activities such as trails.
Hog Mountain Community Park (Little Mulberry Park) Phase I development of Hog Mountain Community Park included:
Holcomb Bridge Park Construction included:
Jones Bridge Park Shoreline Stabilization (Phase II) Construction included:
Kanoheda Area Park (Sweet Water Park) The first phase of a passive community park located in the Kanoheda Area.
Lenora Park Expansion Lenora Park, with the addition of land to the original park, was expanded according to the master site plan. The identified projects included:
Little Mulberry Park Development This park is to be developed in two phases. The first phase developed the Fence Road side of the park. This included:
The second phase constructed the Karina Miller Nature Preserve side of the park. This included:
McDaniel Farm Park Development The first phase of development included:
Mountain Park Aquatic Center and Activity Building Development of new Aquatics Center with an indoor and outdoor pool and Activity Building to replace the pool facility at Mountain Park. Facility also includes:
Park Maintenance Facilities Addition of stand-alone maintenance compound to existing parks at Bay Creek and Lucky Shoals.
Passive Community Park Development The first phase of a passive community park was developed in the Rockbridge area (Graves property).
Passive Parks Land Acquisition Land acquisition of passive parks in various areas of the county preserves open space for future residents.
PIB Aquatic Center Master Plan (West Gwinnett Park Aquatic Center) Completion of a master plan and soil testing for the Peachtree Industrial Boulevard Aquatic Center park site.
Rhodes Jordan Park Expansion Expansion includes:
Settles Bridge Master Plan Master Plan for the Settles Bridge property that was a collaboration with the National Park Service and Georgia Department of Natural Resources.
Shorty Howell Park Redevelopment Redevelopment of existing park included:
Spriggs Road Park Site Master Plan Completion of a master plan for the Spriggs Road park site.
Tribble Mill Park Construction included:
Yellow River Park The first phase of development consisted of:
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1997 SPLOST Program: $60 million
Best Friend Park Renovations and improvements included:
Bethesda Park Designed park extension project included the addition of:
Dacula Park Implemented redevelopment and facilities expansion of the park included:
George Pierce Park Following the purchase of the land for park expansion, park improvements were prioritized based on available funding. These improvements included:
Greenway Development Development included:
Harmony Grove Soccer Complex Renovations included:
Jones Bridge Park Shoreline Stabilization Stabilization included:
Mountain Park Redevelopment Provided a park master plan and then implemented redevelopment and facilities expansion of the park including:
Nature Center at Gwinnett Environmental and Heritage Center The Environmental and Heritage Center Nature Center includes:
North District New Park Development (Rabbit Hill)
Passive Community Park Program (Sweet Water) Addition of new park acreage in Kanoheda Elementary School area.
Pinckneyville Park Construction design and administration for Pinckneyville Park included:
Pinckneyville Park Expansion Expansion included:
Rhodes Jordan Park Expansion and Development Acquired additional land and made improvements to existing and new park properties including:
Shorty Howell Park Expansion and Development Expansion included:
South District New Park Development (Lenora Park) Acquired 150 acres of park land on one site and master plan the site. Purchased additional South District park land with emphasis on expansion of existing facilities.
Tribble Mill Park Improvements Added park improvements to include a number of facilities:
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