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Applications open for Gwinnett 101 and Youth Commission programs

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Applications are now open for Gwinnett Community Outreach’s signature programs, and those interested in a behind-the-scenes look at their local government are invited to apply.

Last fall, 25 participants graduated from the Gwinnett 101 Citizens Academy’s 11th cohort, the only cohort in 2020 due to the ongoing pandemic. Participants learned about the history of their County government, took virtual and in-person tours of County facilities, and had conversations with County leadership.

In addition, 20 high school students participated in the 2020 – 2021 Gwinnett Youth Commission and were sworn-in as youth commissioners on July 29. The weekly classes that took place during the eight-week training session were completely virtual.

“Despite the challenges that came along with hosting our signature programs this year, the cohort members and youth commissioners still were able to have a rich and worthwhile experience while learning about the many services Gwinnett County provides and how they can get involved in their local government,” said Shaunieka Taylor, Community Outreach director. “As we look to 2021, we hope to continue offering these programs while keeping our participants and County staff safe.”

Three members of the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners are past graduates of Gwinnett 101 Citizens Academy and the chairwoman was the founding director of the program.

Gwinnett County residents, business owners, and students are invited to submit applications for the Spring 2021 Gwinnett 101 Citizens Academy.

Applications for the spring class are available online at The deadline is March 1.

The 12-week session begins April 1 and continues through June 22. Weekly sessions are expected to take place in person; however, to keep everyone safe and allow for social distancing, the class size will be reduced to 15 participants. Masks will be required.

Participants must be at least 18 years old and be a resident or business owner in Gwinnett or a student attending a Gwinnett college or university.

High school sophomores, juniors, and seniors can take part in the Gwinnett Youth Commission, which consists of an eight-week training session and a graduation, at which participants are sworn-in as youth commissioners.

The Gwinnett Youth Commission is an initiative to develop youth leaders to speak on behalf of their peers, help County government leaders better understand youth issues, plan community events and participate in volunteer projects.

To be eligible for the commission, students must be a resident of Gwinnett County, be a rising sophomore, junior, or senior at a Gwinnett high school, and submit a completed application and a typed essay by April 12.

High schoolers can get more information about the program, along with the application, on the Gwinnett Youth Commission webpage or at